- Give the customer a price.
- Customer agrees the price.
- Add the price, together with description etc, to the invoice.
- If the customer has another item - go to 1 (Click "Clear" to get rid of the previous price).
- Save the invoice. This is where you enter the customer details, collection date and so on.
- Print the Invoice and WorkTicket(s).
- When the job is complete "Edit" the WorkTicket and tick "Completed"..
- When the job is collected "Edit" the WorkTicket again and tick "Collected".
Notes -
- "Tools" > "Manage Database" > "WorkTickets" and select "Views" > "Work for Completion". This will show the work you need to do in the order you should be doing it.
- On any of the WorkTicket lists you can double-click on an individual record to bring up the full details and be able to print (reprint) the invoice/workticket.
- You can bring up all of a customer's jobs by (in the WorkTicket list) selecting "Find Record" and the "Find Records by -" box initially shows "Invoice Number". Click the downward pointing arrow and select "Name".
Get into the habit of working this way and you'll notice a real difference in the way you're organized with no more customers you've "forgotten" about turning up surprising you!