Monday 7 September 2015

Windows 10 and the Pricing Program

Windows 10 is here and lots of people are installing it (after all, it is free to most users of Windows 7, 8 & 8.1). In general it is a well worthwhile upgrade, certainly far better than 8 & 8.1. Windows 7 users well feel at home pretty much straightaway.

The Wessex Pricing Program runs just as well on Windows 10 as on the previous versions of Windows.

The only potential problem I've seen is the increased security. So, when you download something from the internet and try to open the file there are many warnings along the lines of "Files downloaded from the internet are potentially unsafe." and  "Are you sure you want to continue?". In fact you might even have to explore "Additional options" in the dialogue box to run the file.
As more and more people are downloading the program from the Wessex website I hope that they won't be put off when they first go to install it.
So, for now, the procedure to try out or upgrade the program is
  1. Download the "30 Day Trail" from the Wessex website (you may need to log in with your user name and password).
  2. If you are at all worried, scan the downloaded file with your Anti-Virus program.
  3. Double-click the file to run it.
  4. Select "Additional Options" from the warning Dialog box.
  5. Click "Run Anyway".
Alternatively - order a CD from Wessex.

(NB. If you are upgrading an existing program remember to take copies of your Database and Labels/Values file (v3.mdb & user.xml) before you run the file, just in case!)